Silverwood Lake

It was so hard to leave camp this morning. The air was cool but not cold, I could hear the creek flowing nearby, and the sun was shining. I did eventually get up, make it out of Deep Creek’s canyon, and did twelve miles before lunch.


Then my lunch was interrupted by storm clouds moving in quickly. There had already been strong gusts of wind all morning. The clouds were intermittent with sun, but when drops started falling, I got up and hiked. Of course then, they stopped.

I hit Silverwood Lake in late afternoon as the trail started following its shores. It’s the first lake I’ve seen out here that doesn’t look half empty. I was on track to make it to the lake’s campground early, so I went the half mile off trail to it, hoping for a shower and outlets to charge my phone. The campground was empty though, no outlets, and showers were $2 for four minutes. No, thank you. I grabbed a couple liters of water and went back to the trail and a picnic area further along. 21.5 miles for the day, although really 22.5 if you count the off trail mileage.


The picnic area has water and outlets so I win. I ate dinner and was in bed early since it is chilly out. The winds are still going. There is supposed to be snow at higher elevations but I am only at 3455′.


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  1. Very pretty! That bridge looks awesome. I assume you walked over it. 🙂 Glad you found a nice picnic area.

  2. Love the bridge pic. Another interesting day on the PCT!

  3. Cool bridge!

  4. The bridge carries the day. The Designer(s) should get an A+, graceful and playful at the same time, great colors too. The lake’s setting is the prettiest sight yet.

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