
We started with a big climb up Saddleback Mountain this morning. I could feel the cold wind right before we got above treeline so I stopped to put on my jacket and eat my leftover pizza there instead of at the summit. We were above treeline for a while there and going over The Horn. Back down into the trees briefly, then back up for Saddleback Junior.

There was another ford listed in my guide for today that was rock hoppable instead. Score one for the latecomers! I know people who were here a month ago that had much higher water.

We had one last climb for the day, Lone Mountain, before reaching the Spaulding Mountain Lean-To. I was definitely hiking at a slower pace again due to the terrain but we still made it 16.9 miles. The last couple were in the dark but it is dark very early.




1 Comment

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  1. Congrats on the mileage ! So excited for you and so curious to see what happens bask in captivity….:)

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