Nahmakanta Lake

My alarm went off at 5:30 this morning because we had a 28.7 mile day planned. I was hiking at 6:50. There was some slight elevation gain in the first quarter of the day, and we went over Little Boardman Mountain, but the rest of the day was super flat. I made it about half way to a road for lunch at 12:30.

All three fords listed in my guide today were rock hoppable. When I was able to keep my feet dry at the first one this morning, I actually picked up my crocs at lunch time, but thankfully didn’t need them. The third ford had a metal staircase right after it. How is it a metal staircase can be brought in but they can’t throw a log across the stream for a footbridge?

We had some great trail magic today that reminded me of being down south. A guy who is running the 100 Mile Wilderness gave us homemade whoopie pies and mini snickers bars. And a group of three locals out for a day hike gave us homemade cookies. It was their first time doing trail magic and they were very excited to see us.

There were plenty of rocky sections, rooty sections, muddy sections, and bog bridges today, but there were plenty of clear sections too. I slowed down once it got dark and did the last several miles with my headlamp. Of course that is when it got the most rocky and rooty. I got to the road by 8:30 and we are camped near Nahmakanta Lake.

3 days and 41.1 miles to go!


1 Comment

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  1. I have enjoyed following your adventure journal……I am excited to see that you are close to the end. I know that you are too… are doing great and planned the trip well. What an fasinating trip!!!!

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