
Reminder: If you sent me any mail to Wrightwood, you need to let me know or else I won’t get it. I’ll be there tomorrow.

It rained off and on all night but I had set my tent up in a pretty sheltered spot so the wind and rain didn’t get me too much. The rain stopped by 6am and I waited in bed an extra hour for the wind to dry my tent. Then it was on the trail to get to Cajon Pass for the McDonald’s!

I did see some snow on nearby peaks. The snow line was supposed to be 5000′ but the hills I was looking at were more like 4000′. Some of the higher towns like Big Bear and Idyllwild got four plus inches last night.

It was twelve miles and I did it nonstop in four hours with burgers as my motivation. The winds were kicking, oftentimes a headwind, and I was racing the rain at the end, but I made it just in time.


I had my first meal, then Trailbride’s man arrived with a chocolate birthday cake for her so we had some of that. Eventually I had a second meal too. I meant to pack out some burgers for camp but forgot last minute, which is probably better for my digestion.

I caught up to Mamagoose today too! Or rather, I somehow passed her yesterday morning, and she caught me at the McDonald’s. She’s another AT ’13er and she’s hiking with Warrior Hike again, an excellent program.


After four hours at McDonald’s, the sun had mostly come back, and we headed out to get some more miles in. There was some gorgeous ridge walking with the sun poking through the clouds and I had a grin on my face for all of it.


17.4 miles total. There could be rain again tonight, but I am at a similar elevation to last night so there shouldn’t be snow. I may be walking through it as I climb to Wrightwood tomorrow though.


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  1. Looking at the photos it looks like you had a big grin for the whole day. πŸ™‚

  2. What did you get?? πŸ™‚

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