
I left the shelter this morning and went over Mount Success, arriving at the Maine border just in time for lunch. Last state! I caught up with some other hikers there and we continued over Mount Carlo and several peaks of Goose Eye Mountain. The sun never came out today, and there was mist and winds on top of some of the mountains.

The trail was very damp, with lots of boardwalks over mud and boggy areas. Many of the boardwalks had sank underneath the mud too. I went way around most of those areas but my feet were still pretty soaked so on the last bog, I decided to just go through. The boardwalks were a little under the surface but I could feel them with my trekking poles. Then I took a step forward where I assumed a board to be and sank into the mud up to my knee with my left leg, while my right knee landed on a rock just under the surface. I managed to set one trekking pole on the rock next to my knee and the other one on a board, and eventually pry my leg out of the muck. It took several minutes to work it up since the mud was suctioning my foot back in.

Luckily I wasn’t too far from the Full Goose Shelter so I could clean everything off in the stream there. That mud stank. There were already other hikers there with a fire going too. We had all decided to stop at that shelter for the night any way, since there is a very difficult section coming up and we didn’t think we could make it through there before dark. 9.6 miles today.





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  1. Congratulations Sweetie,,,,, WOW ….. what an amazing journey, thanks for letting us come along for the walk. We love you very much.

    Uncle Jesse

  2. Kris,
    I look forward to your blog every day. I give you a lot of credit. You’ve come a long way and soon you will reach your goal. I know that I could never do what you have done in the past 6 months!!!!

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