Half Way

We overslept due to the comfy bed but soon had breakfast and were on the road. Stretch dropped me off at Caledonia to hike north and she went to park at Pine Grove Furnace State Park to hike south. I did 19.1 miles today and passed the half way point of the trail towards the end of it. The official sign is still at the 2011 half way point but there was a stone marker at this year’s point too. The trail’s mileage changes a little bit every year due to maintenance so that’s why the difference.

Another awesome thing today was the appearance of blueberries! I ran into Stretch to switch the car key as she was standing on the trail eating them, and it’s a good thing or I never would have noticed they’re there. They’re still small and not all ready yet but the next week or two are going to be delicious.

I picked up the car at Pine Grove and drove back down to Caledonia to get Stretch. We decided to stay there since there is a group doing trail magic in the campground. They’d already eaten dinner by the time we got there but they got out some leftovers for us and made us feel very welcome. This group has been driving out from Indianapolis for the past twelve years to hang out all week and feed hikers.






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  1. Congratulations on reaching the 1/2 way mark. You should be very proud. It is quite an accomplishment!!!

  2. Loretta Lisowski July 9, 2013 — 8:37 am

    Congrats on the half-waymark! Hike on!

  3. Way to go Kris ! actually half way to go. Congrats.

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