Gomez Meadow

Everyone was moving slowly up the climb this morning. I thought I must be the only slow person but no one passed me either. The trail went almost to 10,600′ today so it may be altitude slowing us down since the trail is not actually very steep. Altitude and heavy packs.


It was cloudy most of the day. I made it to Gomez Meadow for a nice, long lunch and the clouds were in and out. It went from too hot to too cold and back again quickly.


Once I left the meadow, it started sprinkling a little bit here and there. I filled up with water at Death Canyon Creek and started up the next hill. I kept an okay pace going, my motivation being that there was supposed to be cell signal at a viewpoint most of the way up. I haven’t had signal in almost a week so I was excited. It turned out to only be AT&T though, and I have Verizon.


I kept going to a campsite that would make 17.2 miles for the day. I debated going a few more miles but I was starving and would at least need to cook dinner first. Then it started raining in earnest so my decision was made for me and I set up my tent. I am camped at about 10400′.


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  1. Pretty view helps soften the blow when you realize it is an At&t signal.

  2. Great photos with exellent composition – nice

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