Echo Lake


I left the visitor center early to get to town as early as possible. It was 15.8 miles to Echo Lake. It threatened rain all morning but it never actually started.

We are joined with the Tahoe Rim Trail now, a 165 mile trail around Lake Tahoe. The PCT will follow it for only 52 miles. That’s probably not enough to justify finishing the rest of that trail right now, but we’ll see.

There was cell signal most of the hike so I stopped occasionally to call places to stay in town for prices. We are getting to South Lake Tahoe on a weekend though so all the prices are way too high. Then I got a text from The Animal saying that Ice Bath, another hiker, was offering to take us home for the night. She’d been living in Carson City before the trail, which was very nearby. Problem solved!


They caught up to me just before Echo Lake, so we finished together, collected some others, and hopped in the car. The first stop in Carson City was In-N-Out Burger for deliciousness, then Walmart for resupply, then Ice Bath’s friend’s house for laundry, showers, and relaxation. The sun was finally out at that point so I laid my sleeping bag and tent in the backyard to dry.


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  1. OoOoo Tahoe and burgers. 🙂

  2. Sounds like a great day!

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