Congratulations to Christina and Bill on your marriage! I had a fabulous time in Carmel with you guys.
I stayed in a gorgeous house on Pebble Beach, visited a spa where I went from a steam room so hot I could barely breathe into a pool so cold it was almost freezing, ate tons of delicious food, drank tons of delicious wine, had a super fun karaoke night, saw some great ocean sunsets, caught up with my second cousin Scott who is new to the area and they were nice enough to invite to the reception, dipped my feet in the Pacific at 3am, and hung out with some truly amazing people.
Julia is driving me back to the trailhead where she picked me up right now. Hopefully we will find an In-N-Out Burger on the way for dinner because I plan on setting up my tent and going to sleep immediately when I get dropped off.
Beautiful! Congrats Christina and Bill.
Now that is a break from the PCT!
Different worlds!
So gorgeous!!! Congrats to Christina & Bill! Absolutely breathtaking views!