I got great sleep last night in my new tent, but was up early due to the early bed time. Today consisted of lots of talks on subjects such as flora and fauna of the trail, trail conditions and closures, the snow and water report, a women’s discussion group, and an awesome presentation by Pepper, one of the two guys to complete the first winter thru hike of the PCT this past winter.

There was also a make your own gear contest, which Stretch and Unicorn both entered, Stretch with her quilt and Unicorn with her tent. Oh yeah, I named Maggie and her name is Unicorn. She’s hiking with her dog Charlie, and you may remember the youtube video from a few years ago of the annoying unicorns making their friend Charlie go to Candy Mountain. She also happens to be hiking with a small unicorn so it works twice.



It was very chilly all day, with a storm threatening but never quite getting here. There is a high wind advisory for tonight, 60mph or so, so I’ll get to see how my tent does in that. I’m set up under a large oak though so am slightly sheltered already. Apparently this happened last year and a bunch of people’s tents got trashed. We’ll see.


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  1. Looking good gf!

  2. Nice report….cute pup!

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