Today is my first zero mileage day. (And by zero miles, I mean trail miles. I still walked around town quite a bit.) We moved down to the Sapphire Inn this morning. Couch had somehow ended up with the owner’s cabin and Hangman went back to the trail so Stretch and I moved in. We started laundry, ate a giant breakfast at McDonald’s, resupplied at Dollar General, switched the laundry, watched tv for a while, then put on clean, but still damp, clothes and headed downtown to the festival. There was an interesting wound care / outdoor leadership seminar. There was live bluegrass music and vendors. There was ice cream! It was a nice little festival. Later we got Mexican food for dinner with some excellent margaritas and then hung out at the party at the Sapphire. The motel party is still going on but we’re hiking out in the morning so I came back in for bed.

Your hanging out with a Couch and a Hangman this sounds worrisome !! Have you gotten a TN yet…
I’m trying one out, I’ll update if it sticks 🙂