
Today was very slow. The fest didn’t start until evening and really there was only an all you can eat spaghetti dinner on the lineup. Most of the events are tomorrow and Sunday’s lazy river is apparently cancelled because it got colder again. It rained most of today but tomorrow should be clear so I don’t see why Sunday can’t be warmer. Everything on the trail looked super green with all the moisture today though.

I spent some time at the Hikers Ridge Ministries Resource Center again when I discovered they have free showers. I wanted to do something to help out since they offer so much to hikers so Queen Diva, who runs the place, eventually consented to letting me do laundry. I also did the hot springs themselves with several people. Really it’s a hot tub in a three sided, covered shack with a nice view and they pipe the mineral water in. Then when your hour is up, it all drains out, although I think they did give us a little extra time.

Dinner was delicious then I spent most of the rest of the night playing cards in Lucky1’s motel room and watching tv. It’s definitely colder tonight so I’m back in my sleeping bag in long underwear. Last night it was so warm I was mostly just in my sleeping bag liner on top of the bag itself.



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  1. Kris,
    Could you give us a rundown of the gear you packed, what worked well, and what didn’t? I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts, great job keeping us “on the trail” with you!

    • There is a Gear link at the top of the blog that will take you to a list of my gear. I’ve been very happy with all of it. I’ll update it when I change to a few lighter weight summer items too. Is there anything in particular you have a question about?

  2. Siren,
    Been following the blog and love the pictures. I was following the cold front that came through all the way to NJ. Glad you didn’t get hit with the nasty weather. If you hit Bristol, Tenn. on a Monday night, try to catch the Pickin Porch show. If you do say “Hi” to Tim and tell him I still hope to get down with the East Coast Outlaws in the fall. Stay well.

    • I don’t know if I’ll get into Bristol, it’s not a trail town that I’m aware of since it’s a little farther out. I did get into Asheville though, which is equally far, so you never know 🙂

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