
Jerry Dinsmore gave us a ride to Skykomish this morning to grab breakfast at the Cascadia Inn. After, we decided not to wait for them to start serving lunch, but then we stopped at the deli before hitching. Then once at Steven’s Pass, it seemed like a good idea to get some ice cream before hiking.

We finally got started and it was a beautiful, sunny day. We did 11.4 miles to a very marshy campsite, and carved out just enough less soggy ground for three tents. The temperature was nice in the sun, but it dropped quickly as soon as the sun went down. Very quickly. It has me debating yet again how much cold weather gear I should have sent out.


This is supposed to be one of the most difficult sections of the trail, with almost 26,000 feet of elevation gain, and even more loss, in 108 miles. Let the jagged roller coaster begin!


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  1. Ice cream is always a good idea!

  2. Uncle Rob says that it’s always a good time for ice-cream, Kris!

  3. You just need a hot human furnace to sleep next to you. 😉

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