Shelter Cove

I miscalculated food for this section so I only had a small amount of Fritos and candy corn for after breakfast until I reached Shelter Cove Resort. I tried to hold out as long as I could before eating them but I had to stop at Upper Rosary Lake just after 11:00 to try to appease my hunger.


I made it to Shelter Cove on Odell Lake on a side trail just after 2:00 and got ice cream and pizza to eat right away. I also picked up my resupply package, which has plenty of food for the next small section.


I couldn’t get more than a foot away from my things on a picnic table or the stellar jays and chipmunks would attack. I tried throwing rocks near the chipmunks to scare them away, but they only came closer, thinking I was throwing food. One stellar jay managed to peck a hole in my pretzel bag while I just walked a few feet away to a trash can.


I hung out for a couple of hours, eating and charging my electronics, and left with just enough time to get to camp before dark. We are taking the Oregon Skyline Trail alternate for the next little while.


I did 21.6 miles to camp at Diamond View Lake. It was very difficult to collect water from, as there are almost no rocks or logs heading into the water. I did find one trail of rocks leading out farther down the shore line, but they turned out to be mostly loose and both of my shoes sank into the muck briefly, but long enough to get covered in foul smelling mud. I rearranged some of the rocks so I could get a little farther out, but still couldn’t reach water more than an inch or two deep.


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  1. Sounds like you and I ate the same amount of food on my Birthday!

  2. Great lake pics, beautiful jaybird!

  3. Beautiful bird!

  4. Stupid birds! Those no good ‘munks were eating Charlie’s kibble!

  5. Fritos & candy corn! Breakfast of champions!

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