
We slept in the car for a few hours because we were all too tired for an hour plus long drive. About 4am, we woke up and drove back to a previous point on the trail to drop off some trail magic and Brother Bear’s stuff. Then we drove to Stretch’s mom’s house and crashed. The rest of the day was spent lounging around until dinner, after which we finally ran a few errands and went out for a while.

My feet and knees were a bit sore today, but they’ve been worse on much less mileage so I’m not too worried about it. They felt better throughout the day with use. I also figured out my congestion is not a cold, but allergies, so some Claritin-D fixed me right up after the cold medicine wasn’t working. I never had allergies before but I never lived outside for three months before either. And my poison ivy is still annoying.


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  1. I have always heard that you use Calamine Lotion on poison ivy since it dries it up. It is over the counter…..ask the pharmacist.

  2. Hey Chris – I think I missed you! I was hoping to meet up or something when you got in the area, but I had the kids staying with me in DC the past few weeks and it wouldn’t have worked out anyhow. But they just went back home to VT today and I checked in to see where you were and was surprised to see how far you’ve come in the past few days since I last checked! You are a machine! Keep it up, you’re doing great and I sure enjoy checking in on your progress and reading your blog.

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