Recovery Part I

I couldn’t wait until after Labor Day for my appointment because my ankle was just in too much pain. I had been doing some partial weight bearing, but had to switch back to keeping my foot in the air, which was not that comfortable either with this heavy boot pulling on it. And since I had conflicting instructions from the two doctors I’d already seen, I didn’t know if I should really be weight bearing or not. Luckily, I was able to make an appointment earlier this week with a different sports medicine doctor. He had me xrayed again, and I just got the call back that the fractured fibula is stable. It is nondisplaced, so no surgery needed, and weight bearing is allowed. It is also sprained, which is causing most of the pain. He thinks I should be off the crutches in another week or two, and out of the boot two weeks after that. Physical therapy should start soon also.

Looks like the Colorado Trail is done for now, but I had an amazing time there and will definitely finish it later. I had finished 10.5 of its 28 segments. Later I will decide whether to start from there, or start from the beginning. I do like thru hiking. Right now I am trying to figure out how to swing the Long Trail and Trans Adirondack Route hikes I had planned for afterwards. The realistic side of my brain tells me I may have to pick just one of those trails since I won’t be starting until the end of September / beginning of October and I imagine I’ll be slow. The delusional side of my brain thinks I can still get both done. If the weather holds out for November though, it’s possible. I’m optimistic! I love hiking in the cold, but I don’t usually have much motivation for getting out of my sleeping bag in the morning when it’s below freezing, so I’ll have to see how it goes.

I’m planning on being back out hiking again by October 1. (But again, delusional me is still hoping for sooner!) My doctor agreed with me that I could be light hiking by the end of September so that sounds like a thru hike to me! Right now I don’t even see how I’ll be off crutches, but I am partial weight bearing again and it’s not as painful. I have to get back out there though. I can’t have my three months of planned hiking derailed after two weeks! Hopefully I can at least get another month in.

In the meantime, my family has been nice enough to wait on me as I limp around on crutches. I’ve even been permitted to kick my dad out of his recliner, which is a pretty big deal. And my friends have been nice enough to pick me up for many outings to relieve the monotony and netflix.


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  1. Keep staying optimistic!! 🙂

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