Mt Baden-Powell

We had breakfast at Richard’s house and then he drove us back to Wrightwood. I had just gotten a message that I had a package in town so I got dropped off at the hardware store to wait for it to open while Mamagoose went on to the trail.

More hikers started showing up to also wait for packages so I had company for the hour. When I got the box, it had homemade snickerdoodles and awesome chocolate and trail mix. Thanks, Brendan! I shared some cookies with the other hikers and then caught a ride to the trail.

The first half of the day was uphill, climbing to the top of Mount Baden-Powell at 9383′. I was not enjoying the uphill after my zero day, especially since it consisted of forty switchbacks, but I finally made it to the top, where I shared the rest of the cookies with the other hikers there.


The rest of the day was mostly downhill. I did 14.6 miles to the Little Jimmy Campground. I’d meant to just cook dinner and move on but the Warriors were making a campfire so I had to stay and enjoy it.


1 Comment

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  1. Glad to hear you got a package! I need to get on the ball and bake you something yummy.

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