Lake Aloha

We intended to get out of town by lunchtime this morning but people still had chores to do so it took a little longer. We ended up doing a pack shakedown for Animal too.

Eventually Mac called a trail angel, and she was already giving hikers a ride, but she called her boyfriend to come pick us up. John drove us back to Echo Lake, and after having a delicious milkshake, I got started hiking.


It was late at that point so we only did 6.6 miles before camping at Lake Aloha. Stretch and Animal and I somehow got on the wrong trail at a junction, but we took another trail that seemed to be going the right direction to connect with the PCT again instead of backtracking. We actually ran into other PCTers on the wrong trail too. They’d built a little pizza oven and had a fire going, getting ready to bake.


We made it back to the PCT and our intended campsite before dark. It’s a little windy here but I’m so happy to be camping with dry gear!


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  1. whoa that is a pretty spot! sorry to miss all your phone calls. keep trying me back, I will pick up eventually. xoxo

  2. Beautiful pictures! πŸ™‚


  4. Beautiful photos! Pizza oven and milkshakes. πŸ™‚

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