John Muir Trail

We hopped onto the John Muir Trail and started heading north this morning. It’s mostly down to the valley but we seemed to be doing a lot of up. We started late and so stopped fairly early for lunch at Cathedral Creek, and then kept on moving.



Once I had just about reached the Sunrise High Sierra Trail Camp, the lightning started. I’m not a fan of walking in high, open areas during lightning storms so I asked some of the crew setting up the camp if we could wait it out in one of their big tents. They said yes, so we sat down and cooked dinner. Of course, then the storm disappeared.


We walked a little bit farther to find Mac already set up in a campsite at Sunrise Creek so we stopped after 11.4 miles and had a fire before bed.


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  1. Missed your posts! Again beautiful photos!

  2. Yay! You’re back!

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