
I had heard the town of Etna was super hiker friendly, and in the 16.3 miles to town, I met several residents who proved it. First I met a member of the town council out backpacking with his brothers who told me where everything was in town, including his house so I could go ask his wife if I needed anything. When I was closer to the road, I met a couple trail running with their dog who told me they’d wait for me at the road to give me a ride to town. The road gets very little traffic so I had expected to wait a lot longer for a ride.



Tammy and Andy dropped me off at the Hiker Hut, a little bunk room kept by a bed and breakfast. I caught up with some friends, rode a provided bike down to the pub for lunch, rode to the grocery store, and stopped at some kids’ lemonade stand on the way back. Their mom was also super friendly and gave me the name of someone in the next town to stay with.


I went back to the hut to shower and do laundry and got in on a barbecue dinner some hikers were grilling. The owner of the B&B then brought us out a bottle of red wine to go with the burgers and brats. I love this place!


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  1. Glad to know there are still nice people in the world!

  2. So fun! Nice to know there are people looking out for you. 🙂

  3. So sweet!

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