Equinox Mountain

I needed to get at least one hike in while I was in Vermont, and Equinox Mountain was recommended to me.  While not a 4,000 footer, it did have a 2840′ climb in the 3.1 miles to the summit.  I took the Blue Summit Trail from the Red Gate Parking Lot right in Manchester Village.  The trail appeared mostly packed down after last night’s snow, but a hiker returning to the parking lot had snowshoes on, so I strapped mine on and got moving.  I wore them the whole time and was glad to have them, even though they made hiking more difficult on the steep trail.

The trail started out wide…


… then narrowed as it began to climb.


The trees started crowding the trail as I got closer to the top.


It was about 18° in the parking lot, but obviously colder as I got higher.  The wind hadn’t been a problem at lower elevations, but I was adding layers back on before I even got out of the trees.


There is a visitor center at the summit at 3840′, although it and the road leading to it are closed for the winter.


I walked all around the building to take in the views from its porch, but the wind was especially vicious and my hands were starting to freeze.




After a few very quick photos, I ran back into the trees.


I skipped the trail to Lookout Rock and got moving back down the mountain.  My hands very painfully started to get feeling back in them, making me feel slightly sick, so I stopped for a quick drink and snack, and to put on even more layers, before slipping and sliding as quickly as possible back to the parking lot.


The hike took a little less than two and a half hours up, and a little less than an hour and a half down.  It was a great afternoon hike.


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  1. Great hike and lovely pics. Good snow up there. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful photos, as always, even the few you were able to take. Nice hike – I’ve been wanting to get there as well. Glad you made it!

  3. Oh, wow, that’s really lovely!!

  4. Great hike Siren. The scenery, and views in the winter, with the fluffy snow make these reports more visually stimulating (from the warmth of home of course!). You can tell it’s especially cold when the rime sticks to the guy wires on the antenna… Another enjoyable post!

  5. Pictures of snow-capped trees never get old to me!! So pretty!

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