
It was warmer than usual this morning, making it easier to get out of my sleeping bag and start early. Whisper was slacking us again and had also picked up some little day packs for us yesterday so I carried a very small load. We were in a cloud at the road, but I soon climbed above it and saw the sunny day ahead of me. The hardest part of the day was at the beginning, going over Old Blue Mountain. It took less time than expected though.

The next mountain, Bemis, was a great hike. I was above treeline for lots of it, and went over a couple of peaks. Hiking in the sun was fantastic. At the bottom, my guide had told me I’d need to ford Bemis Stream, but it was easily rock hopped, and I got to keep my feet dry.

After 13.2 miles, we met Whisper at the road. We had planned on going a few more miles to the next road, but she hadn’t been able to get down it in the truck as it narrowed too much before crossing the trail. Our day was cut a little short but we are still set for the schedule we have drawn up to make it to Katahdin in time.

We decided to drive into Oquossoc for dinner at the Four Seasons Cafe, which turned out to have the worst service. We were the only ones there but our orders took forever, kept getting mixed up, had things missing, and it was way too pricey for what we finally got. We finally got out of there, and headed back to the trailhead and the campsite I had scoped out earlier, seeing a fox, a moose, and an unidentified creature crossing the road on the way.




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  1. Didn’t want to ask but thanks for saying you are on schedule to finish!

  2. Richard Windish October 2, 2013 — 7:14 am

    keep on cranking, and you will get there in time…rooting for ya!!

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