Back to Kearsarge

I escaped! I did not go bouldering this morning, so I could catch the 10am shuttle back to the trail. It was almost lunch time by the time we got started back up to Kearsarge Pass but we held out until the second lake to stop for lunch. We did a countdown to jump into the very cold, I mean brisk and refreshing, water before eating.


I left town with seven days of food, and I packed more food per day than usual. I plan to eat my fill every day because five days in, if I think I’m running low, I can take a side trail to a resort for more food. Last section’s rationing was not fun, and I need a ton of calories going up and down these passes.

I was moving very slowly today. Too many days off at low elevation, combined with a very heavy pack, and I do not do well on the uphills. We kept debating whether or not to try getting over Glen Pass, but eventually we came upon Mac set up at a nice campsite already so we stopped just under a mile short. We’ll get it in the morning.


Hopefully sleeping at 11200′ will help me adjust back to the elevation again. About 8.6 miles today.



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  1. That second photo! So amazing. Glad to see you are back on the trail so I can see lots of pretty photos. Sounds like you have enough food!

  2. I love the 3rd photo! Frame that!!

  3. Loretta Lisowski June 26, 2015 — 11:53 am

    My vote is for the second photo also! Happy trails, Kristin.

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