I love The Complete Walker IV, which I read years ago, and I feel like Andrew Skurka‘s new book is a great update to that. It’s much shorter because he focuses on the best options for gear and does not necessarily spend too much time on the others. While he is a proponent of lightweight gear, he’s not stupidly so, and he isn’t completely opposed to comfort either. I have already been updating my gear but will be following some of his recommendations for other things. I did especially enjoy his Skurka’s Picks sections, where he shared what specific gear he personally uses on different types of trips, and also his sample gear lists in the back of the book. The gear he chooses is all about making the hike more enjoyable, and he shares techniques for using said gear as well. It took me a little while to read through this book just because I kept stopping to look up all the options he mentions and do comparisons to my current gear.

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